Dear Cognos Gurus,
Customer has setup Cognos 8.4 with 4 different installations on single server.
1. Content Manager
2. Dispatcher 1
3. Dispatcher 2
4. Gateway
These are the 4 different installations on a single server.
While we are upgrading from Cognos 8.4 to Cognos 10.2.1, Customer wants to have the similar strucutre for all the environments(Dev, Test & Prod)
Please suggest any better way of doing this or any pros and cons of the same.
Looking for the feedback.
Hmmm. The really interesting question is... why? What were the reasons behind structuring the architecture in this way? Are they still valid for a 64-bit Cognos 10 paradigm?
You can, of course, replicate this in Cognos 10, but before going to all the effort it's worth understanding the reasons for doing this and validating if they are still appropriate.
Even I asked the same question:
Customer explained that they can keep running one dispatcher if other is down, they dont have to shut the service for the same.
Also, they can restart the Dispatchers without shutting the Content Manager Service.
Weird. Still dont understand the Pros and cons.
Probably crappy models/reports that crash/clog the system. Rather than fix the reports, more expedient to restart services (sooo, just how many *dmp in that bin folder....)
Can you guys help me understand in what sequence should i do this installation.
Should I install the Gateway 1st, Content Manager 2nd, Dispatcher 3rd , FM Model 4th and then IIS 5th.
Awaiting your response.
Cheers !!
Content Manager must always be first - the CM generates the cryptographic keys for use in the rest of the architecture. You should have this started before you attempt to start your app server(s)
Do the app server(s) second, and start these.
Do the gateway third and point at one of the app server dispatchers.
Do the client tools (FM, Cube Designer etc) fourth - the config for these will need the gateway URI and the app server dispatcher URI