Hi Cognosie bods
I'm hoping someone can help me with this. I'm having an issue with a lookup in a fact build in Data Manager.
The fact has records with no corresponding records in the lookup. I want to be able to return a static member when there are unmatched members. I've got 'accept unmatched' ticked and I'm using a derivation to return the attribute from the lookup e.g.
I'm expecting ? to be returned when the corresponding record is not in the lookup but it's returning the value of the attribute from the fact record instead, even when the value doesn't exist in the lookup.
I've been using this method for a long time in C8 and C10 and it has always worked, but not at my current clients.
Any ideas what's going on and what I can do to get around this?
Thanks everybody.
What do you see if you refer directly to the attribute in the lookup from within your transformation model derivation?
IfNull( TransformationModelElement.LookupAttribute, '?' )
Also the function to use is ifnull() not isnull() - is that just a typo?
Hint: you can pick the relevant attribute name from the Reference Attributes section when coding the expression