Hi I am fairly new to Cognos and ApacheDS and have been trying to set up LDAP authentication.
I have installed ApacheDS and configuered some operational units under dc=example,dc=com and some users under these operational units.
Using the Cognos Configuration tool I set up an Authentication Provider and this tests OK within the cofig tool.
However when I attempt login in Cognos no account will authenticate, I get the following message:
"The provided credentials are invalid. Please type your credentials for authentication."
I can see the ApacheDS provider on the security tab in Cognos administraton page but it is not clickable.
Am I missing something?
It sounds like although you are successfully pointing at the LDAP namespace, you haven't properly defined how to locate the users in the LDAP structure.
Can you tell us what config settings you defined for the LDAP in Cognos Configuration, and where you created the users in ApacheDS?
Hi thanks for your reply,
The configuration settings I used in Cognos for ApacheDS are as follows:
Type: LDAP - General default values
Namespace ID: ApacheDS
Host an port: LocalHost:10389
Base Distingushed NAme: dc=example,dc=com
User lookup: uid=${userID}
Use external identity?: Ture
External identity mapping: ${environment("REMOTE_USER")}
Bind user dn and password: uid=admin,ou=system
Size limit: -1
Timeout in seconds: -1
Use bind credentials for serach?: True
Allow empty password?: False
Unique identifier: uid
<the other settings are all as default>
I set up a couple of test users using the Apache Directory Studio by creting an Organiastional Unit under dc=example,dc=com and creating a user by adding a new inetOrgPerson.