Hi All,
I am hoping this is the right area to post this.
We have an internal system that uses Cognos 8.4.1 for Reports. The data is in the cloud and managed by an external vendor.
I had several scheduled reports that run in the early AM. However, this morning, Several of them errored out. Strangely, several others were successful (and these were before and after the failed ones).
On checking the Run Hustory detail, it states the following error:
QFS-ERR-0115 Unknown command 'CubeBuildGenDMB::getNewModelName' specified in request.
On Googling, it states that the error has something to do with the Temp folder getting corrupted, however, as this information is not housed internally, I have no way to verify.
I tried opening those reports individually, and they do not even run.
There are way too many (more than 30) for me to check them individually and redo.
Any assistance would be highly appreciated.
It sounds like either someone has changed the temporary file location on your Cognos 8 instance to point to a non-existant folder, or (more probably) the temporary file folder has become full. Neither of these will be under your control unless you are a System Administrator for your Cognos 8 instance, sadly. Your best bet is to contact the person at your vendor responsible for your Cognos 8 instance and report the issue to them.
Thanks for the thoughts. I was actually thinking of the same. And it is very likely for that to happen as well.
Thankfully, I was able to contact the Admin at the Vendor and they are trying to get it fixed. Oddly, they have fixed the error, and now all scheduled reports are stuck in "Waiting to be sent" status. Seems like whatever they did, messed up the connection that existed between their server and our SMTP.
Anyways, thanks for the response. I just found this forum yesterday and I think this would be so helpful to me.