Hi All,
My next challence: how to use the Hive connection :o
After installing de IF3 I have new JDBC options like hive.
When testing the JDBC driver I get this error:
XQE-JDB-0004 A problem occurred finding the driver class "org.apache.hadoop.hive.jdbc.HiveDriver".
But what I am missing is the JDBC driver.
Done this with Oracle & SQL server and DB2, but I needed to install / configure a *.jar driver on the Cognos server.
See: http://www-01.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?uid=swg21623909 for SQL Server.
So, I think I am missine one step?
I am just starting with Hadoop, so I have not much knowledge about Hadoop.
Does anybody has done this before?
I haven't done this with HIVE but it should be the same steps for any JDBC.
They are documented in the Dynamic Query Guide, chapter 3 - Set up the dynamic query mode > Setting up reporting connectivity for relational databases to use the dynamic query mode > Setting up connectivity for data sources using the JDBC connection type
Basically you need to download the relevant JDBC driver file (s) for your data source and copy it/them to <c10 install folder>\webapps\p2pd\web-inf\lib then restart your Cognos service.
The trick is knowing which jdbc driver to use. I did a little searching and found this possibility:
I can't say for sure whether it's what you need, though. Worth a try, I guess?
Hi MF,
Funny, I had found the same URL and downloaded the *.jar file.
I am getting: XQE-GEN-0002 An unexpected exception occurred: org.apache.hadoop.hive.service.HiveInterface
But bit for bit i am getting there.
Keep you updated!
Google is you're best friend.
Ahhhh. Good find!! :)
Is it all working now?
Hi MF,
Yes, right URL, but my Cognos system is down @company (maintenence).....
So I have to wait a few days before testing :'(
Keep all updated.
Hi All,
No luck so far.
I have downloaded all the *.JAR files and copied them to ..\webapps\p2pd\WEB-INF\lib
After rebooting the BI Server I followed the steps descripted: http://www-01.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?uid=swg21642056
Created a JDBC datasource connection.
All the fields filled in (see above URL).
JDBC URL field -> jdbc:hive://<IP adres>:10000/default
But when I test the connection, it takes to long and I get a timeout.
Hi All,
Just for testing that my architecure is oké, I used the Hortonworks ODBC driver.
With the ODBC driver I am able to connect through Hive and run a Report Studio report (DQM is not possible).
And all the processing should be on the BI Server (Limited Process on the Query property).
For now I am not impressed about the performance, but that's up to the client :P
Still want to see a JDBC connection and not an ODBC connection.
And, why can't I use DQM with Hive?
Still keep you all updated :)
Any ODBC connection is achieved though CQM. DQM is limited only to supported JDBC connections. If you can figure out the problem with the JDBC driver you should be able to use DQM no problem :)
This link no longer works.
I am using Cognos 10.2.1 and am trying to setup JDBC Hive connection. A little worrisome that when I asked the IBM support if they have been getting any PMR's about connections to Hive they said "No".
Hi All,
I am trying to connect Infosphere Hive with Cognos.. Initially I used trial version of Cognos 10.2.1..All the necessary jar files have been copied in cognos path. when i try to test the connection,It says unable to connect to datasource.Could anyone suggest me the way out..
Trial Version doesnt support DQM so I installed licensed Cognos Business Intelligence Server 64-bit 10.2.1 Microsoft Windows Multilingual (CIM1TML ) but it doesn't provide me BI console or the Framework Manager.What is the next approach..