Hello i need some help with my report filter, i have scheduled a report which runs every Sunday and i want it to pickup orders booked in the previous 7 days, however because some orders are pre-booked then my report is picking up orders placed on the Monday, Tuesday etc after the report has run on the Sunday.
Do you know what teh correct filter should be that only picks up
orders placed 7 days previous? below is my current filter so the orders should cut off on the Sunday.
[Movement Date]>=_add_days(current_date,-7)
Not sure if it should instead be the below
[Movement Date]< (current_date) and [Movement Date]>=_add_days(current_date,-6)
Perhaps this?
[Movement Date] between _add_days(current_date,-6) and current_date
Thanks Lynn,
I will give this a try and let you know.
Thanks Again
Lynn your a genious, thank you very much that worked a treat.
Thank You