I am getting a RSV-AOM-0011 error when running a Report Studio report to be saved on the file system.
The .csv output is very large, and the research I have done suggests the error could be fixed by increasing the Maximum memory for the IBM Cognos Service within Cognos Configuration.
Are there any recommendations as to the maximum setting?
My Cognos Servers are as follows:
- Intel Xeon E5620 @ 2.4 GHz - 2 processors (which I am told by infrastructure equates to 2 processors * 2 cores = Quad Core)
- 32 GB RAM
Currently, setting is at 768 MB default.
Additional Information:
I have now changed the max memory to 1536 MB and am still encountering the error.
In reviewing the log file, I can see that the report is completing and then failing with a "RSV-DST-0014 unable to deliver" error.
I have run the report successfully for a small subset of data.
Based on the RSV-DST-0014 error, I have added the following two parameters to the Monitor & Delivery Services advanced settings:
primary.wait.dls 360
primary.wait.ms 360
And, I am re-running the full report again.
Hopefully, but not optimistically, with desired results.
Any thoughts will be greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advance.
Try to shedule that report.
And about mem settings, IBM recommends that increase the memory based on your existing server environment.
Also take into accounts whether your specified server is having other softwares installed and running also affects the performance of cognos server.
Other documents says that increasing the mem settings will slow down the heap storage cleaning of garbage collector and on restarting the server will take long time because it takes long time to clean the heap memory.
My recommend is that, First run the report and check how much the memory and cpu is consuming?
IF from details you get the high memory utilization then increase the size of memory.
Or else decrease to about 1000 and re check.
It also depends on how much data you are fetching?
I was having the same issue where my no of cols were 120 and rows 220000.
The only time I am experiencing this issue is when I try and run a "huge" export of data (I know that this is probably best done outside of Cognos, but I am limited in time and available resources).
Even when I schedule, I am experiencing the same issue:
- When I run to "save to file system":
The report completes (according to the log), but does not produce the saved file.
- When I run and save as an attachment to an e-mail:
The report completes and the e-mail is sent, but the attachment is empty
I can then subsequently download from within Cognos Connection, but I cannot automate this as a solution.
There is a attachment file size setting within Cognos Configuration (currently set to 1024MB).
I could consider changing this, but I am not sure this will solve the issue and I just don't want to allow everyone to suddenly export "huge" volumes of data!
Any more thoughts?
Hi Adam,
Other thing you might check the query on which you are fetching data.
try to optimize the query which will also affect the time of report execution.
Try to save in excel 2007 data might be that helps.
Also set the appropriate rights for this report to be run only by a specific person, so that other users wont be able to access that report.
The last thing, you can log a pmr with ibm, might they have the solution?