Hello there,
I have problem with getting working togerther Cognos 10.2.1 (with latest FP) and Postgres 9.3 (also tested 9.2).
I am trying to use Postgres as data source in DQM. I have installed Postgres (9.3 on the same machine, and 9.2 on remote host). I have added and tested Postgres as JDBC datasource in Admin panel - it went ok. I can select this database in FM (I have published a cube in DQM) and RS (just simple report, also work fine). What does not work is Cube Designer - when I am creating new projet I cannot select any postgres database. I can see all JDBC data sources, I can see databases but when I select one of them - the button OK is inactive. I have also DB2 databases and I can work with them.
Any idea what I should test / configure ?
I am using:
Cognos 10.2.1 (latest FP) + TM1 10.2 (also latest FP) on win 2008 R2. Postgres 9.3 and / or 9.2. I have tested this with JDBC drivers type 4 and 41 (I am not sure which should be used - SDK 1.7 requires 41 type, however on IBM site I can find info that only Postgres 9.2 is supported in DQM also jdbc type 4...).
did you manage to solve this problem?
Is cube designer on the same machine as the Cognos server? If not you will need to install and configure the Postgres ODBC/JDBC driver and connection on the machine where Cube Designer is installed.
Hi there,
it turned out, that Cognos does not support Postgres as datasource in DQM and for Dynamic Cubes. The info on the IBM Site was not clearly explained, and I must have it misunderstood.
After the lecture:
I could find info that Postgres works with Cognos but "Available via ODBC in the Compatible Query Mode.". Also, just CQM.