We're having some trouble with running reports in RS. When the report is executed, it stays in the executing status and never finish running. The packages are loading, but the 'validating with report serve' is also stalling.
I ran a data source connection test in the cognos admin and i get the same thing again, it seems like its running but it never finishes.
I was able to test cubes and other data source and was able to run the test successfully.
Any help is appreciated!
Thanks in advance
I have also encountered the same kind of problem.
I restarted the server and then it was working fine.
This thing might happen because your server is taking a lot of load eg: Many users accessing the same server at the same time, or You have scheduled many reps, or If you have change the server tunning parameters after that you experienced this issue, or please check your log files which is taking more memory.
If you have change the server parameters, please change the server properties if you are aware of each and every parameters which you are changing, Changing the parameters unknowingly can mess up your server performance.