Can somebody please tell me what information is available in the xml data source that can't be found in the audit database?
It is referenced in the documentation here: http://pic.dhe.ibm.com/infocenter/cbi/v10r2m1/topic/com.ibm.swg.ba.cognos.ig_smples.10.2.1.doc/t_settingupauditreportlogging.html?resultof=%22%75%72%6c%5f%78%6d%6c%22%20 (http://pic.dhe.ibm.com/infocenter/cbi/v10r2m1/topic/com.ibm.swg.ba.cognos.ig_smples.10.2.1.doc/t_settingupauditreportlogging.html?resultof=%22%75%72%6c%5f%78%6d%6c%22%20)
Basically, it says it is only used by the provided "Report Usage" sample report. There is a link to the instructions for setting it up up on the above page.
We have created our own audit reports based on the package, never bothered to set this up, and things are working fine for us.
Yeah I have tried setting it up in the past but never quite got it working. Last time I got it to connect but the report wouldnt return any data.
The IBM website gives the description below, but what I want establish is what is in the xml link that can't get from building a report over the database. I can find out what reports have been run from the database.
Lists reports by frequency of use. For each report, it lists the user and the number of times it was run by the user since the logging database was created.
This report can help you determine if there are any reports that are not being used. If so, you may want to remove them.
Quote from: LDJB81 on 24 Feb 2014 12:05:09 PM
Yeah I have tried setting it up in the past but never quite got it working. Last time I got it to connect but the report wouldnt return any data.
The IBM website gives the description below, but what I want establish is what is in the xml link that can't get from building a report over the database. I can find out what reports have been run from the database.
Lists reports by frequency of use. For each report, it lists the user and the number of times it was run by the user since the logging database was created.
This report can help you determine if there are any reports that are not being used. If so, you may want to remove them.
Um...Pretty sure you can create a report to get the same info out of the audit pkg without the "Report Usage" report. In fact the sample reports named below pretty much give you that info. If it's not you can just take these base reports and add the info your missing.
Execute reports by package and report
Execute reports by user
Execution history by user
I haven't setup the "Report Usage" report in a while, cause it's a PITA, and to be honest really haven't found a "need" too given the above. :-\
Honestly, I don't know what it does but you really do not need it, just use the data items in the audit package. We have custom utilization reports that do this without needing url_xml. I think we used the reports Grim mentions as a starting point, but it has been so long I cannot recall with certainty. We did add a few calculated data items to break down things like the report name path, but they are based on the existing data items in the package.
Thanks guys. Next install I will delete the report! :P