Let me kindly ask your advice.
I've just installed the FP2 for BI 10.2.1 and can't start the Cognos Planning (v10.1.1 fp3), which was installed a distributed environment with BI.
The issue "CFG-ERR-0106 error when starting the IBM Cognos service in IBM Cognos Configuration.
I already tried this solution http://www.cogknowhow.com/forum/index.php?topic=195.0 , but without success.
Thanks in advance for your ideas!
With kindest regards,
What happens if you try to start each service individually from cognos configuration? Right click each service and select start.
Dear Eric,
i'm waiting approx. 10 minutes without any details and finally see the red X in the line "Starting the service IBM Cognos Planning".
Details as follows:
[Launching a JVM using 'Maximum memory in MB']
Successfully launched a test JVM with the memory setting of '1200000'. Note that this does not guarantee that the IBM Cognos service will start and run successfully.
To see which JVM options are based on this setting, view ibmcognos_location/bin/bootstrap_<OS>.xml and see your JVM documentation for an explanation of those options.
[Start Service]
[ ERROR ] CFG-ERR-0106 IBM Cognos Configuration did not receive a response from the IBM Cognos service in the time allotted.
Check that IBM Cognos service is available and properly configured.
I also have another issue, which was described in the other topic (BI 10.2.1 FP1 and Planning 10.1.1. FP3), but the Planning worked after restarting services. Now after upgrade the BI 10.2.1 FP1 to the FP2 - nothing positive...
P.S. Firewall is disabled. DEP as well.
ServiceWaitInterval and ServiceMaxTries properties in the c10_location/configuration/cogconfig.prefs file are increased.
Thanks for your ideas.
Additional info:
In the log file "cbs_run" i found only one issue - ERROR t[1ccc] PingChildProcess ping loop: process "catalina" is not active, so restarting it.
the solution was found. There was a problem with the JAVA_HOME.
Startup type for all Cognos services was changed to the "manual" (in Windows services) and the "cogconfig.bat" was launched with command "-java:local" for each configuration (1st-BI, 2nd-Planning).
With kindest regards,
Quote from: Roman on 25 Feb 2014 02:02:52 PM
Thank you sweetie pie! ;) We really appreciate you posting up the solution!
Glad you got to the bottom of it :)