Hi Guys,
I am using Cognos 10.2.1 FP1 64 bit, I have developed some FM model and Transformer Cubes and Reports on top of the Transformer cubes for some POC. However I am not sure what is the environment of the client, so would like to know if an object developed in a higher version can be deployed by doing some tweak and twist in the lower version?
Any help would be highly appreciated.
Quote from: raviahuja21 on 21 Feb 2014 06:41:23 AM
Hi Guys,
I am using Cognos 10.2.1 FP1 64 bit, I have developed some FM model and Transformer Cubes and Reports on top of the Transformer cubes for some POC. However I am not sure what is the environment of the client, so would like to know if an object developed in a higher version can be deployed by doing some tweak and twist in the lower version?
Any help would be highly appreciated.
IBM often change the XML specs of packages and reports between versions, so backwards compatibility is officially none. Sometimes (if you are lucky) you can open a report spec in a text editor and change the schema version in the header to a previous version and get it to work, but obviously this is only an option if the spec conforms to the structure the older version will tolerate. I have occasionally managed to get away with doing this but mostly it just blows up when you try to open it in the older version of RS.
In short, the answer is no. Sorry.
Hi Thanks for the quick response.
So does this applies only to Report Studio reports or does it also applies to Framework Manager models and Transformer cube as well. ( I Hope the answer is not Yes for both :'()
Yes it applies to FM models. With Transformer it depends on the version. Sometimes you can save as MDL and open this in an older version but not always. Take my advice though - don't do it in any of the tools. It's not worth the technical risk and it's absolutely not supported!
thanks for the advice appreciate your prompt response :)