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General Discussion => IBM Cognos Links => Topic started by: MFGF on 18 Feb 2014 09:24:53 AM

Title: Cognos Mobile samples
Post by: MFGF on 18 Feb 2014 09:24:53 AM
Hi all,

If you ever need to download the MHT files available in the IBM Cognos Mobile app on iOS/Android so you can use them in a browser, they are available on an IBM FTP page. You can also get the XML report spec for each one and some screen shots:


Title: Re: Cognos Mobile samples
Post by: clingst on 16 Mar 2015 08:29:52 AM
thank your for your sharing.
mind to share how can i fix the broken issue in "control metrics" example?

as for now .. i only manage to get following active report compiled correctly .

Employee Recruitment                                                   
Customer Satisfaction                                                   
Inventory turnover report                                               
Financial report 

These are the report that referring the GS_DB ..

Error is stating
1) not updated package
2) incomplete visualization component

i have installed the 10.2.1 visualization but apparently it is not working...
some of it are missing still.

appreciate for your advice and guidance to fix the issue ...
Title: Re: Cognos Mobile samples
Post by: MFGF on 16 Mar 2015 09:40:08 AM
Quote from: clingst on 16 Mar 2015 08:29:52 AM
thank your for your sharing.
mind to share how can i fix the broken issue in "control metrics" example?

as for now .. i only manage to get following active report compiled correctly .

Employee Recruitment                                                   
Customer Satisfaction                                                   
Inventory turnover report                                               
Financial report 

These are the report that referring the GS_DB ..

Error is stating
1) not updated package
2) incomplete visualization component

i have installed the 10.2.1 visualization but apparently it is not working...
some of it are missing still.

appreciate for your advice and guidance to fix the issue ...

I took a look at Control Metrics a while ago. It appears to use a modified version of the Great_Outdoors_Sales_en powercube, with extra measures and dimensions over the standard one that ships in the samples. I don't have this cube, so I was unable to get the original report to work without changing it.

I think it also uses some customized visualizations (and some background images too) which you'd need to re-create if you wanted to make the report work.

Generally I use it for understanding techniques rather than trying to get it to compile and run. I wrote a similar report as practice so that I could learn how the report fitted together - it's probably your best bet to attempt this too.


Title: Re: Cognos Mobile samples
Post by: clingst on 16 Mar 2015 10:05:18 AM
Got It!
Yes.. u r right.. perhaps i can utilize it in other way..
but i wish to know how the breadcrums is simulated in the "Control Metrics" sample..
i understand that we cant have drill up and drill down in active report, but simulate it will do..
in stead of having the "back" buttom..
i prefer to have something like the "breadcrumb"
coz i might take it as the solution for the view from
Year -> Quarter -> month -> day
Title: Re: Cognos Mobile samples
Post by: MFGF on 16 Mar 2015 10:34:36 AM
Quote from: clingst on 16 Mar 2015 10:05:18 AM
but i wish to know how the breadcrums is simulated in the "Control Metrics" sample..


I'm not sure what you're referring to here. I can't see anything in the Control Metrics report that simulates breadcrumbs? Can you explain what you mean?

Title: Re: Cognos Mobile samples
Post by: clingst on 16 Mar 2015 11:25:20 AM
hi MF,

sorry my bad. I remember wrongly
The breadcrumb is actually under the sample 'Sales Dashboard'..
under the tab 'Market Analysis'
the table at the bottom of the dashboard..
I should study it how to implement the breadcrumb to simulate drilling scenario..
but not sure if this it a good option for time drilling
Title: Re: Cognos Mobile samples
Post by: MFGF on 17 Mar 2015 05:59:14 AM
Quote from: clingst on 16 Mar 2015 11:25:20 AM
hi MF,

sorry my bad. I remember wrongly
The breadcrumb is actually under the sample 'Sales Dashboard'..
under the tab 'Market Analysis'
the table at the bottom of the dashboard..
I should study it how to implement the breadcrumb to simulate drilling scenario..
but not sure if this it a good option for time drilling

This is one of the things the report specs really help with - if you see a feature you like and you're not sure how it's done, you can load up the report spec and take a look at how it has been implemented. You don't need the package for this either :)

Have fun!!

Title: Re: Cognos Mobile samples
Post by: on 03 Oct 2016 06:03:30 AM
Hi ,
The link attached is not working now . Could someone share the IBM Cognos Active reports mobile samples with report specifications .
Title: Re: Cognos Mobile samples
Post by: Lynn on 03 Oct 2016 06:15:39 AM
Quote from: on 03 Oct 2016 06:03:30 AM
Hi ,
The link attached is not working now . Could someone share the IBM Cognos Active reports mobile samples with report specifications .

I tried just now and the link works fine for me, just a little slow to load but that could just be my connection.
Title: Re: Cognos Mobile samples
Post by: on 03 Oct 2016 10:52:56 AM
 Thank you . I have rechecked from my home network and was able to access..
But couldn't download Employee reqruitment .mht .

Title: Re: Cognos Mobile samples
Post by: MFGF on 04 Oct 2016 04:30:34 AM
Quote from: on 03 Oct 2016 10:52:56 AM
Thank you . I have rechecked from my home network and was able to access..
But couldn't download Employee reqruitment .mht .


Looks like the link is incorrect on the page. It points to but the mht link should actually be

If you use the correct URL as above, you can download it.
