Any idea how to sort QuerySubject results in FrameworkManager for use in promptmany?
E.g. have a list of people with their lastnames and sort it according to entrydate or managementlevel or whatever.
E.g. sort a content of promptmany-box ASCending or DESCending
I Used to put a blank in front of the lastname to sort more important items to the top. But that does not work anymore with C8 especially if you use promptdisplay and promptreference. ;D
Any ideas are welcome!
We use promptmany-macros in FM-Modells to filter down most common elements in QueryStudio and reduce system load as well as speed up performance.
The content of HTML-select-boxes generated on basis of promptmany-macros can IMHO not be sorted.
We have ~250 Currencies. USD and EUR are most important and should go on top of the list.
But USD e.g. is right between UGX and UYU which is UGANDA and Uruguay.
Attached pls. find a modified JS for sorting a promptmany box - runs with C8.1.
Just put it in <c81-path>/web/webcontent/prompting/CSelectValueSelectList.js
Gives you a default sort-order for all boxes as DESC. Offers link below promptmany-selectbox to resort ASC/DESC.
Would love to read comments.
Since we have begged for resolution for more than 4 years now, we started coding today and found some JS solution. It's most probably not supported by Cognos.