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IBM Cognos 10 Platform => Cognos 10 BI => Active Reports => Topic started by: p.althaler on 07 Feb 2014 04:37:36 AM

Title: Send to mobile device
Post by: p.althaler on 07 Feb 2014 04:37:36 AM
Hey everybody,

I created an Active Report which should be sent to all mobile users.
There should be no difference in the report when i send it to different users.

So I tried to create the report, afterwards go to Cognos Connection, run with options, selected the user which logs in on the IPAD Cognos BI App.
Next I checked if the run was successful.
Next I logged in on the Cognos App, but there was no Report in my local Reports.

Can anyone give me some advice how to solve this problem.
I'm using Cognos 10.2.1.

The Ipad can connect to the server. Its connected via VPN.
But i can browse and open/download all my active reports from within the IPad App, but i want to server to send it to my App so that not every user has to rerun the report.

Thanks a lot.

Kind regards
Title: Re: Send to mobile device
Post by: MFGF on 07 Feb 2014 05:12:38 AM

Just to be clear about what you did:

Run with options
select "Save the report"
click the "advanced options" link in the top right corner
check "Send the report to mobile recipients"
click on "select the recipients"
browse into your security namespace
check "show users in the list"
bring across the desired user(s)/group(s) into the right hand column
press OK
make sure your user(s)/group(s) are displayed below "send the report to mobile recipients"
press Run

Is this what you did or were any steps missed?

Title: Re: Send to mobile device
Post by: p.althaler on 07 Feb 2014 05:19:03 AM

thats exactly what i did.
And afterwards i checked first in Cognos Connection if it was created.
It says: Saved + Send to mobile Device: 1 User

If i click on the last link... i find the XHTML File with the saved Report.

Now i want to connect to the IPad App and after I connected it should download this report (shouldn't it?)
Because I dont want to Browse it again and open it again, which would make the whole SENDING Process useless.
Title: Re: Send to mobile device
Post by: MFGF on 07 Feb 2014 05:39:08 AM
The report should appear in the app once you authenticate as the user you sent the report to. If it doesn't, you have a problem somewhere :)

Title: Re: Send to mobile device
Post by: p.althaler on 07 Feb 2014 05:59:33 AM
 ;D Well now we are exactly at the same state of mind.

But what could be possible next steps?

Could it be a server configuration issue?
Or Could it be because of the VPN (but than it shouldnt be possible to connect at all)
There is an Option which is called Pass-through authentication, but this should only solve problems if i can't connect at all.

Do i have to define bursting groups within the report even if I dont want to use the burst option?!
Title: Re: Send to mobile device
Post by: MFGF on 07 Feb 2014 06:44:19 AM
Quote from: p.althaler on 07 Feb 2014 05:59:33 AM
;D Well now we are exactly at the same state of mind.

But what could be possible next steps?

Could it be a server configuration issue?
Or Could it be because of the VPN (but than it shouldnt be possible to connect at all)
There is an Option which is called Pass-through authentication, but this should only solve problems if i can't connect at all.

Do i have to define bursting groups within the report even if I dont want to use the burst option?!

Just as a quick sanity check - you are logging in to Mobile on the iPad as the same user you sent the content to and using the same Cognos server? If you have anonymous access you will be logging in as the user "anonymous", which (obviously) isn't the user you sent the content to... Please don't be offended by my random thoughts - I just want to make sure there's not an obvious solution we have overlooked.  What happens if you go into Firefox on a PC and enter the mobile URL http://<servername>/ibmcognos/m and log in as the user? Do you see the delivered content shown there?

Title: Re: Send to mobile device
Post by: p.althaler on 07 Feb 2014 06:55:29 AM
Ok I'm logged in on the same server yes and with the correct user.
If i log in on PC i can also browse all reports. and if I go to this certain report which is in the public folder i can open All output versions of that report and open one of that output versions on my pc. But its still in the public folder where the original report is located.
And i can navigate to the same folder in the IPad and open the report from there. But if i do so its loading the report new, and after its done its downloading the file to "My Reports" in the  App where i can access it locally.

But when i try to send a report to my mobile device no report is shown in "My Reports"

So i get connection and can even open every single report. But if i use the send to device option its not sending them.

Maybe I understand the functionallity wrong.
My understanding would be:
on the server --> send to device with all users that should receive the report.
On every app after logging in, a download should start with the newest active report file.
So that the report itself is only executed once.
Title: Re: Send to mobile device
Post by: MFGF on 07 Feb 2014 07:24:32 AM

What should happen is that any content sent in this way should automatically appear in your "My Reports" area in the app. You should also see a badge on the app icon to indicate that new content is available. If you log in via the mobile browser url (as I suggested above) you should see a badge on the "latest" tab. I have included images from both the app and of the mobile web url so you can see what to look for. No browsing in Public Folders is required.

Mobile URL through Firefox:

iPad badge:

iPad "My Reports":

What do you see when you use the Mobile URL in Firefox?


Title: Re: Send to mobile device
Post by: p.althaler on 07 Feb 2014 07:40:19 AM
The mobile version shows an empty recent tab.
Title: Re: Send to mobile device
Post by: MFGF on 07 Feb 2014 07:52:02 AM
Ok - that rules out the app, the VPN and the connectivity of the iPad.

If you navigate to the report in a normal browser session in Cognos Connection and select "More" then "View run history" then click on the "View run history details" icon, you should see info on what happened when the report was last run. Under Options, do you see a line that says: Send the report to mobile recipients: 1 recipients?

Title: Re: Send to mobile device
Post by: p.althaler on 07 Feb 2014 08:12:57 AM
Yes I can see that line.
Title: Re: Send to mobile device
Post by: MFGF on 07 Feb 2014 08:17:02 AM
Ok. We've checked all the obvious things so I'm out of ideas. I think this is one you will need to log with IBM support. :(


Title: Re: Send to mobile device
Post by: p.althaler on 07 Feb 2014 08:18:45 AM
Hopefully its just a configuration issue or so.

Thanks a lot anyways.
Title: Re: Send to mobile device
Post by: Olivier on 08 Nov 2016 04:12:41 AM

did you open PMR for this particular issue ? If so, what's the answer ?
I'm facing a similar issue but not with all the users, some of them are facing the same behaviour.

Thanks in advance for your answer.
Title: Re: Send to mobile device
Post by: p.althaler on 08 Nov 2016 04:49:21 AM
Oh long time ago.
Well i had about 5 very long calls with the IBM Support who went over the whole configuration and also sent me some patches to install.
After that it worked.
Main problem was a missing patch as far as i can remember.
Title: Re: Send to mobile device
Post by: Olivier on 09 Nov 2016 05:20:46 AM
Thank you for your answer !

I opened a PMR with IBM and shared details... waiting for their answer.
Do you know what patches you had to install ?
I'm already on 10.2.1 FP4 (for mobile)...
Title: Re: Send to mobile device
Post by: p.althaler on 09 Nov 2016 05:58:08 AM
I just searched for the mails from Support here are some things he was telling me. Hope they will help you.

QuotePlease go ahead and install BI Fix pack 2 & mobile fix pack 2. You will only be required to install the Mobile install for Mobile FP2.

There are several areas of concern here, the configuration of mobile, as well as the forwarding of your default web page. within IIS are you using Isapi or CGI? if you are using isapi you MUST change the forwarding pages to reflect this or mobile will not function properly.

you must change these files then do a complete "iisreset" in a command prompt. Once you have acheived this please let me know the results

The only time you will have these reports seen on the App is after the user logs into the app. If you have setup push notifications through APNS then you will receive a notification that a report is waiting.

However, the app will ONLY pick up the report after the user logs in and is sitting at their "my reports" page within the app.

to enable the apple push notification service follow

If you login to the app, it will automatically download the latest reports that were sent to that users login and appear on the My reports page. this is expected behavior. If you setup the ipad apple notifications then you can receive a notification that you have reports waiting.

... we need to create a separate mobile database for cognos to separate the BI users with mobile users.

1) follow this to setup a new database within the configuration

2) restart cognos

3) login to mobile using the App

4) re-test with a working report

let me know how these results go

"The following TCP ports are used for communication between the Cognos Mobile server, the Apple iPad device, and the Apple Push Notification Service (APNS):

    Port 2195 is used by Cognos Mobile server to send notifications to APNS.
    Port 2196 is used by Cognos Mobile server to reach the APNS feedback service.
    Port 5223 is used by the iPad device connecting to APNS using Wi-Fi.

Keep these ports open in the internet connection firewall."
Title: Re: Send to mobile device
Post by: Olivier on 21 Nov 2016 07:19:36 AM
Finally found the issue which is described here :
Title: Re: Send to mobile device
Post by: donge900 on 23 Aug 2017 07:31:16 AM
same issue here and the following link was the solution for us:

Reports send to mobile devices must have the same language as the receiver of the report....

nvm: the solution was already on page 2...