Im doing a simulation of having two cognos servers (server 1 and server 2).
The plan is to have content manager installed on another server (server 3).
In which server 1 and server 2 will connect to server 3 for the content manger.
Server 1 and 2 will have the complete suite (BI server, transformer, framework manager, metric server and mobile)
Im having problem with the configuration part specially in which GW should i change the port to 9301.
Also to add that im doing the distributed instance of 32 and 64 bit components to server 1 and 2.
Do you have any guidelines or experience or advise with this type of setup?
Each server in the architecture will have a dispatcher, so in your case you will have three - one for each of the two BI application servers and one for the Content Manager server. Once the instance is up, all the dispatchers will know about each other. When configuring your gateway, you need to decide which of the three will be the "driving dispatcher" (ie the preferred dispatcher the gateway will hand off requests to). This is the dispatcher you should have first in the list when configuring the gateway. For failover reasons you can add alternate dispatchers for the gateway to try (if the first dispatcher isn't contactable). I'd suggest you use the dispatcher on one of the Application Server machines as the driving dispatcher and the dispatcher on the second Application Server machine as the failover. Are you planning to have the gateway on a fourth server or will it be on one of the existing three? If so, which one? When configuring the architecture you will need to configure and start the Content Manager server first - this is very important. The encryption keys are generated and held there, and shared with the other servers in the architecture as they get configured. Next, configure and start the Application Servers (doesn't really matter which one first), and lastly (if on a separate server) configure the gateway.
Good luck!
Thank you for that information.
I have Gateways installed on both the applications servers on the 32bit folders.
Should i just installed one?
About the dispatcher, are you saying that i should point to only either one of my applications servers?
which means my cgi and isapi setup for all servers must point to only one server (either of my applications server)?
If you have two gateways that means you will have two different URLs for accessing your Cognos instance. Is this what you want? Often there will be one URL (ie one web server) and one gateway, but it's your choice.
If the two application servers are sharing the same content manager, they will know about each other and will load balance between each other. This means if you have one gateway you need to decide which is the initall dispatcher to hand requests to. If you have two gateways (and therefore two URLs) you could have each gateway point to a different dispatcher if you so please.
Your "cgi and isapi setup" is part of the configuration of your web server. If you want a single entry point to Cognos you will only need one of these (and therefore one gateway).
I see,
That's actually the plan, to have 2 cognos servers with 2 urls and will be load-balanced.
Im just want to make clear with the dispatcher configuration in the content manager.
And the configuration of the two cognos servers, into what part of their configuration should i set to point to a common content manager.
Quote from: feds on 11 Feb 2014 07:39:07 PM
I see,
That's actually the plan, to have 2 cognos servers with 2 urls and will be load-balanced.
Im just want to make clear with the dispatcher configuration in the content manager.
And the configuration of the two cognos servers, into what part of their configuration should i set to point to a common content manager.
The application servers will load-balance between each other if you have just one web server and one gateway. All the requests will be sent initially to the dispatcher on one of the machines and this will load balance between the two. You don't need to have two separate URLs and two gateways to load balance the application servers.
In the config of each application server you will need to enter the dispatcher of the content manager server into the "Content Manager URIs" entry of both.