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IBM Cognos 10 Platform => Cognos 10 BI => Cognos Administration => Topic started by: monica on 02 Feb 2014 07:22:16 AM

Title: SDK issue
Post by: monica on 02 Feb 2014 07:22:16 AM
Hi All,

I am facing problem in running a SDK code.
When I run a sdk code using dispatcher url I am able to login and run the reports as expected.
We have 2 dispatchers. We are using a load balancing url to balance among these 2 dispatchers. We have used this load balancing url in the "Dispatcher url for external applications" in the configuration file.
When load balancing url is used in the sdk code we are getting connection reset and conncetion timeout errors...But its working with the dispatcher url,we are using F5 switch for load balance.
Please suggest

Thank you.
Title: Re: SDK issue
Post by: sdf on 06 Feb 2014 11:57:12 PM
just a quick question.

Why do you put the LB url to the dispatcher config?
We have 2 instance of cognos here in our office (1 in windows and 1 in linux).
All configurations of dispatchers are set to the repective servers.
We also use F% for load balancing, we just point the LB url to the pool of our cognos urls.
Title: Re: SDK issue
Post by: dcampos on 03 Jan 2019 02:08:49 PM
Hi, I have the same situation.
In a distributed environment, with 2 dispatchers, I need to balance the workload of executing reports from the SDK.
How is a load balancing done from Cognos SDK ??

Thank you.
Title: Re: SDK issue
Post by: misscognos on 11 Apr 2019 01:46:20 PM
To confirm.. are you load balancing the dispatchers (i.e. are you not using the default round robin and have set to cluster compatible) or gateways with the f5? If gateways, then the request should be load balanced automatically when it hits the dispatcher.