I am new in Cognos and I need to create Recocilation Report for last 7 days. Please check attachment
Days back
Exported by A - invoices sent by company A to company B - TABLE A
Imported by B - invoices imported by company B to system - TABLE B
Missing - between Imported and Exported
In_App - uploaded to application - TABLE C
Missing_App - missing between imported and uploaded to application
ON CROSS : count number of invoices
For now I see that there is a query for each cell :
count (case when (date[imoprt_date] )>= (current_day-1) and (date[imoprt_date] )< (current_day)) then 1 else NULL end)
so we have over 40 queries and generating a report takes a lot of time
I never created a DMR model but I think this could be a solution to performance. Could You please help me with steps how to create a DMR model for that case ?