Hello all,
I'm trying to use the ThirdPartyCertificateTool utility to create a certificate to import into TM1. I've set certificate for use in IIS and have also set the necessary ports in my BI Config for SSL/HTTPS. I'm able to use the HTTPS protocol to access Cognos BI in my browser, which is great. I'm now at the point where I need to generate a certificate to import into TM1 and integrate it with BI. I'm using the following command to do this:
ThirdPartyCertificateTool.bat -E -T -r c:\cognos.cer -k "C:\Program Files\IBM\Cognos\C10\configuration\signkeypair\jCAKeystore" -p password
However, after hitting "Enter", it gives me the following error:
CAM-CRP-1093 Unable to read the contents of the keystore 'C:\Program Files\...\signkeypair\jCAKeystore'.
Reason: java.io.IOException: PKCS12 key store mac invalid - wrong password or corrupted file.
I've set the JAVA_HOME variable to the IBM Cognos JRE prior to running the command above and have already re-generated the cryptographic keys but this has not helped at all. I've not found much else online and am hoping that someone here has come across this and knows a way around it.
Any & all suggestions gratefully received.
Many thanks,
you can try to remove the cryptographic keys again and rename the startup.xml before running the configuration or your syntax again.
This is probably useless but have you changed the default key store password in Cognos Configuration?
If not, use "NoPassWordSet" as password.