This is a very weird problem or I never seen this issue before with other versions.
I have a simple list report with couple of columns are grouped and I'm sorting the report on different column, in my case a Dollar amount column (Desc) followed by some other column (Asce). Somehow the report is not sorting based on what I did. I tried to sort by simple sort button, advanced sorting etc no luck.
Lastly I took off the grouping on the report and its working now. I have no clue what a grouping is to do with sort order? I didn't have this issue when I was using C10.
Can anyone tell me was this a cognos bug or where am I making mistake?
Thanks in advance for your time.
Morning, I have also run into this problem and haven't been able to work out what Cognos is doing but I am using Cognos 10.
Grouping on one column and trying to order by another and it is completely ignoring what I am telling it to do.
Forgot to update. My issue got fixed.
Actually I did not check the report entirely. The previous developer did the sorting of the report in 'Page set' level and I'm trying to sort the report on the report level. That was causing the issue. so I removed the sorting in Page set and applied in the report.