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IBM Cognos 8 Platform => COGNOS 8 => Report Studio => Topic started by: RiRo on 13 Jan 2014 05:11:48 AM

Title: RSV-CM-0005 after moving Report Package
Post by: RiRo on 13 Jan 2014 05:11:48 AM

We use an IBM product called Tivoli Common Reporting, which include the cognos bi 8.4.

IBM has a lot of Report Packages for different IBM Products and we have installed them.

Now we have rearranged the structure to separte the customer and Report Administration area.

If I now run a Report from a moved Report package, i get this failure:


      Content Manager did not return an object for the requested search path '/content/package[@name='IBM SmartCloud Cost Management (SCCM)']/folder[@name='Template']/report[@name='Template Report']'.

So I think this means that Content from the report is defined in a template which is not at the supposed Position.
It Looks like this is hard coded, because my self made Reports doesn't had this Problem.

So now I tried to open this Report in Report Studion an i saw that a reference in the Header and footer is broken.
Then I double klicked the reference and pointed it to the correct Directory.

If I run the Report now, it works fine but the heading for the Report is the defaultname from the template.

How can I set the template path to a relative path? and is this possible without open all hundrets of reports?
