Hi all,
How can set permissions to user to read and schedule reports but not to modify them using Report Studio?
When i enable "Travers" and disabled "Write" permissiopns to user's group he stills can access report studio,modify and save the report changes.
Thanks In Advance,
Granting Read and Traverse (without Write) should be all you need to do. If a user doesn't have Write privileges they will not be able to overwrite the original report. If they can, it means one of two things:
1. The user is a member of a different group or role which does have Write privileges to the report/folder
2. The user is a member of the System Administrator's role
That's exactly what i did.
I also make sure 1 and 2 are not the case.
Maybe there is known bug with it in this version (8.2) ?
Nope - not as far as I know. That would be a pretty serious bug! :)
What happens if you explicitly deny the user Write privileges to the report and the folder? Does this fix the issue? If so it means the user is inheriting privileges from somewhere else. Possibly the Everyone group has write privilege?
Well, i found the right way to do it.
You should allow only read and traverse (without execute) in the report studio capability
allow only read and traverse (without execute) in the scheduling capability
and allow read,write,execute and traverse to the main folder of the reports you would like to be able to schedule.