I'm trying to create a condition, the condition is a summary of specific product on specific dates.
for example:
I want an email to be sent if the revenue of sales for chairs for yesterday is higher than 200.
I thought to create a specific query for it and then to load it as a package.
is there any other more simple way?
Sounds easy - just create a condition on the Summary tab with an expression such as
[Your Product item] = 'Chairs' and [Your sale date item] = _add_days(current_date,-1) and [Revenue] > 200
great thanks!
I'm trying to complicate the condition. I want an email to be sent when one of the following conditions:
[Your Product item] = 'Chairs' and [Your sale date item] >= _add_days(current_date,-30) and [Revenue] > 200
[Your Product item] = 'tables' and [Your sale date item] >= _add_days(current_date,-30) and [Revenue] > 50
[Your Product item] = 'closets' and [Your sale date item] >= _add_days(current_date,-30) and [Revenue] > 100
the revenue of course is calculated for each item (for 30 days period).
can I use or condition between them as following:
([Your Product item] = 'Chairs' and [Your sale date item] >= _add_days(current_date,-30) and [Revenue] > 200) OR
([Your Product item] = 'tables' and [Your sale date item] >= _add_days(current_date,-30) and [Revenue] > 50) OR
([Your Product item] = 'closets' and [Your sale date item] >= _add_days(current_date,-30) and [Revenue] > 100)
Yes - exactly this. :)
ok thanks....
if I have sub-types lets say in "Chairs" - wood, metal and I put the calculation in the summery, will it aggregate by "Chairs"?
because I want have a lot of this sub-types and I need the condition to be if one of them is greater then a specific hold.
the same is for the rest of the products