Hello All,
We are planning to upgrade from Cognos 8.1.2 to Cognos 10.2.1. We have 260 users currently and below is how we have our set up as of now.
Server 1 (Virtual) AIX : Content Manager, Tomcat, Dispatcher2 ( 3 CPUs, 14GB RAM)
Server 2 (Virtual) AIX : Tomcat, Dispatcher1, Webserver ( 2 CPUS, 12 GB Ram)
Server 3 (Physical) Sun Solaris: Cognos Transformer (4 physical processors. 16Gb Ram)
Number of Users: 260
Number of power users: 10
Number of concurrent users: 40-50
Most of the reports are cube based and use Analysis Studio and a few relational data packages as well.
We have two dispatchers without any Content Manager fail over option. We plan to implement this in the upgrade. We are currently using Series 7 security with Sun One directory server. The upgrade plan is to move authentication to Active Directory. Please let me know if I can go with the above resource configuration for Cognos 10.2.1 as well. Also, please let me know the possible pitfalls since we consider this to be a complex upgrade since we are moving from Cognos 8.1.2. We are also considering moving to Windows instead of AIX or Sun Solaris. If we decide to do so what could be the disadvantages?
I appreciate your time for going through my post.
You can go with what you have currently. However its recommended that first you try the same thing if you some lab/test environment. Follow the guides provided by IBM carefully. And take your time to be confident on this activity, this activity is big and it will take time also.
Also check if you can get another content manager server. It will be good to have two content manager servers.
Regarding unix and windows. I think there no as such disadvantages of migrating it from unix to windows.