Hello Dear Gurus! Happy new year!
Let me kindly ask your advice for this case.
I've just installed Cognos BI 10.2.1 FP1 (which successfully works), then Cognos Planning 10.1.1 (only Server, Admin and Gateway components).
Planning Gateway was installed to BI directory. After that, Planning FP3 was installed into 2 directories (Cognos Planning, Cognos BI).
Now i'm trying to set up Cognos Planning configuration, but, unfortunately, have this issue
"CSK request test. CAM-CRP-1278 An active Content Manager was not found" (please find a screenshot attached).
Strange but Content manager from BI is running (attached).
Also attached: 1. Cognos Planning Configuration environment, 2 Cognos BI Configuration environment.
Thanks in advance for your help and experience!
P.S. The link http://www-01.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?uid=swg21613469 is already used during the installation and configuration.
The environment: 1 Applications Server under Windows 20008 R2, 2 Database server under Oracle 11g
Kindest regards,
Hi roman,
I'm unable to view your attachment as I'm on my mobile. What happens if you try to start the planning services individually in cognos configuration? Ex: right click on the IBM cognos service and select start, then do the same for the planning service.
There was a defect introduced by BI 10.2.1 FP1 that caused a similar error to what you have described.
Thank you, Ericlfg, for your quick reply!
Please find a required screenshot attached.
P.S. I found only one similar case here http://www.cognoise.com/index.php/topic,22397.msg68546.html#msg68546, but didn't see a solution.
Dear Ericlfg,
regarding "planning server" - it is started, but when i trying to access the Planning Administration, i have the following issue (attached).
Thanks for your experience!
Hey Roman,
To confirm:
1. this environment has BI and EP installed on the same server, in different directories, with a unique set of ports configured for one of the installs?
2. both services in the EP configuration are running?
3. windows firewall is disabled?
Hi Ericlfg,
WOW, it is really very strange, but EP is completely started and now all is ok. Frankly speaking, I didn't make any additional changes. I have never seen such magic correction! (it was happened after Windows restarting and 3 hours pause in my work).
Then i decided to check and restarted the apllications Server (Windows) and see the problem again (EP can't start).
Very strange situation...
Please see answers below:
1. this environment has BI and EP installed on the same server, in different directories, with a unique set of ports configured for one of the installs? YES
2. both services in the EP configuration are running? IBM Planning Service can't start, because issue DPR-1035 Dispatcher detected an error. com.cognos.xts.request.XTSFaultHandler
3. windows firewall is disabled? YES.
Kindest regards,
The DPR warning should not prevent the service from starting.. so please confirm, when that message occurs do both services eventually show as started and running? I've come to consider the DPR message as an indication that the EP config is running properly, as it is present in every environment I've seen running both BI 10.2.1 and EP 10.1.1
Dear Eric,
yes, you are right!
By default, when i open the EP configuration, i see that services are running. When i click to "stop" button, i have an issue (attached).
Please also note when i click "Cryptography" - test, i got this issue [CSK Request Test] [ ERROR ] CAM-CRP-1278 An active Content Manager was not found.
Thanks a lot for your reply!
Dear Eric,
it is really very strange situation...
My actions were as follows:
1) rebooted the Windows 2008 (applications server)
2) checked the Contributor availability on the Cognos portal (tried to open a contributor model - without success: (errorServerReturnedError)
3) opened the Planning configuration and clicked the "restart" button below a main menu (yes, the "start" button wasn't active),
then i got following issues in the appeared window:
[Launching a JVM using 'Maximum memory in MB']
23:09:12, CAF input validation enabled.
23:09:12, CAF Third Party XSS checking disabled.
23:09:12, 'com.cognos.pogo.config.HandlerFactory', 'pogo', 'Failure'.
DPR-DPR-1035 Dispatcher detected an error.
Successfully launched a test JVM with the memory setting of '1500'. Note that this does not guarantee that the IBM Cognos service will start and run successfully.
To see which JVM options are based on this setting, view ibmcognos_location/bin/bootstrap_<OS>.xml and see your JVM documentation for an explanation of those options.
[CSK Request Test]
23:09:47, CAF input validation enabled.
23:09:47, CAF Third Party XSS checking disabled.
23:09:47, 'com.cognos.pogo.config.HandlerFactory', 'pogo', 'Failure'.
DPR-DPR-1035 Dispatcher detected an error.
[ ERROR ] CAM-CRP-1278 An active Content Manager was not found.
23:10:22, CAF input validation enabled.
23:10:22, CAF Third Party XSS checking disabled.
23:10:22, 'com.cognos.pogo.config.HandlerFactory', 'pogo', 'Failure'.
DPR-DPR-1035 Dispatcher detected an error.
23:11:03, CAF input validation enabled.
23:11:03, CAF Third Party XSS checking disabled.
23:11:03, 'com.cognos.pogo.config.HandlerFactory', 'pogo', 'Failure'.
8) starting process stopped on "Checking CSK availability" with red X.
7) then i clicked "сlose"
8) now the EP is working, i can open Analyst, Admin, Contributor, etc... )))
If it will be useful, logs attached.
Thank a lot for your strong support!
With kindest regards,
Hello Roman,
I get exactly same error. Have you found any solution.
I am using cognos 10.2.1 FP2 with cognos planning 10.1.1 FP2.
While testing the configuration I get the error: [CSK Request Test] [ ERROR ] CAM-CRP-1278 An active Content Manager was not found.
The dispatcher status in cognos connection in 'unknown'.
The services are staring but get the error 'com.cognos.pogo.services.DefaultHandlerService', 'pogo', 'Failure'.
DPR-DPR-1035 Dispatcher detected an error.
Please help. :(
Ok. Here is what I did.
I installed FP3 for cognos planning 10.1.1.
After adding the site to trusted domain, CAC is opening. The errors in configuration are still there.
But it is working.
Dear Ammus,
I hope you are well!
To solve this issue, i periodically use the "restart" button in the Cognos Configuration (Planning).
I hope that IBM guys will remove this bug in the next BI 10.2.1 FP2 or Planning 10.1.1 FP4.
Also i noticed some interesting bugs in the Planning tool (v10.1.1 FP3):
1) impossible to launch several links C<A at the same time: only 1 link - 1 GTP. It's crazy...
2) impossible to copy text fields using A<C links. Most likely [PM93799 Since FP2, A<C d-links not importing TEXT format anymore] doesn't work weill in a distributed environment (BI 10.2.1 FP1 & Planning 10.1.1 FP3).
Kindest regards,
I'm running Cognos 10.2.1 FP2 and Cognos Planning 10.1.1 FP2 on Windows 2008 R2 and have same issues.
I have no issues starting the Cognos service (Dispatcher) for Cognos BI.
But when starting the Cognos services (Dispatcher + Planning Server) for Cognos Planning from Cognos Configuration I receive this errors:
[ ERROR ] IPFTEST-006 Logging failed to connect to Database:jdbc:JSQLConnect://sqlserver.company.loc:1433/AuditDB
[ ERROR ] IPFTEST-002 Logging is missing Driver for Database:jdbc:JSQLConnect://sqlserver.company.loc:1433/AuditDB
[Launching a JVM using 'Maximum memory in MB']
Successfully launched a test JVM with the memory setting of '768'. Note that this does not guarantee that the IBM Cognos service will start and run successfully.
To see which JVM options are based on this setting, view ibmcognos_location/bin/bootstrap_<OS>.xml and see your JVM documentation for an explanation of those options.
[CSK Request Test]
[ ERROR ] CAM-CRP-1278 An active Content Manager was not found.
I found out a workaround which solves the issue by:
- Starting the Cognos service (Dispatcher) for Cognos BI
- Start the Cognos service (Dispatcher) for Cognos Planning
- Start the Cognos service (Planning Server) for Cognos Planning
Quote from: Roman on 04 Jan 2014 11:55:23 AM
1. this environment has BI and EP installed on the same server, in different directories, with a
Sorry for kicking the dust in this thread, but I had a similar error in the logs and it turn out to be the issue with Java shutdown port number. Both dispatcher and Java shutdown port number have to be unique.