Hello everybody,
I have an instance of Cognos Express 10.1 running on a standalone server. When attempting to run a manual backup from the manager I get the following error in the logs
tm1admsdx64 failed to stop
Now the routine is producing backup files but I am unsure if these are complete, since this is my first foray into Cognos. This is the first backup to be done on this instance.
Knowledgebase articles http://www-01.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?uid=swg21590866 and http://www-01.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?uid=swg21613520 do not cure the issue. Has anyone come across these before?
Thank you for any help provided
It sounds to me like something is holding a connection open to the CXMD instance, preventing it from shutting down. Are you sure there are no client processes connected or background updates going on? Have you rebooted the server hosting your Express instance and tried again?
I have restarted the server then tried again yesterday but the same thing occurred.
When you mention an open connection, are you referring to a user being logged in and using part of the system? I am not sure of a way of tracing an open connection to the instance right now but like I said I have about 12 hours experience in poking around in it :)
Well, after Christmas I have had another look at this and found out why I was getting this error. There is a service dependency from the IBM Admin Service to another service called TM1 Server x64. Cognos Express was locking up when it was stopping the ICAS services hence my backup errors.
My solution is to schedule a task to stop the TM1 Server x64 service via a batch script before my scheduled backup runs then another scheduled task starts the service via a batch script.
Thanks for your help!