I have a problem to get the description of maximum values : Here is the example :
Weather |CountWather |Maximum|MaxValue
Sunny | 3 | 3 |? (Must Sunny)
Sunny | 3 | 3 |? (Must Sunny)
Sunny | 3 | 3 |? (Must Sunny)
Rainny | 2 | 3 | ? (Must Sunny)
Rainny | 2 | 3 | ? (Must Sunny)
in Weather Count :
Sunny is 3
Rainny is 2.
So ill get the maximum of weather count which is 3.
How can i get the weather descripton Sunny of the maximum of 3? the value in MaxValue must Sunny.
Can anyone help?Pls...
I Need this output:
Weather |CountWather |Maximum|MaxValue
Sunny | 3 | 3 |Sunny
Sunny | 3 | 3 |Sunny
Sunny | 3 | 3 |Sunny
Rainny | 2 | 3 |Sunny
Rainny | 2 | 3 |Sunny