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IBM Cognos 10 Platform => Cognos 10 BI => Cognos Administration => Topic started by: cognosuser101 on 17 Dec 2013 04:37:52 PM

Title: Data Source issue
Post by: cognosuser101 on 17 Dec 2013 04:37:52 PM

When i attempt to run any reports in one of my packages i get prompted with "An attempt to connect to the data source failed" and it asks for User ID and Password, all my other packages work.

I have attempted entering the data source username and password, and my own accounts username and password but all attempts lead to the failure "Attempts to connect to the data source failed. There may be a configuration issue with the database. The system administrator may need to test and reconfigure the connection."

I am the system administrator, and when i check the data source through IBM Cognos Administration, a Signon exists for this data source and when I test it, it is successful

The only difference i can tell between this data source and others which are working is that it has 2 "Type /Query Mode" but it succeeds on both, where most of the others only have 1 which is "IBM DB2 / Compatible" that they succeed on.

The additional "Type /Query Mode" is "IBM DB2 (JDBC) / Dynamic" as a result of having this addition the connection string is also slightly longer.

Any ideas whats the issue and how to fix it?
Title: Re: Data Source issue
Post by: sunosoft on 17 Dec 2013 05:01:45 PM
Please check if everyone group is added or not under singon.

Click on signon properties, then singon tab and check if everyone is added there or not.
Title: Re: Data Source issue
Post by: cognosuser101 on 17 Dec 2013 05:05:21 PM
The Everyone group was added there
Title: Re: Data Source issue
Post by: sunosoft on 17 Dec 2013 05:52:58 PM
thats bit weird then..... if everyone is added there then it should not promp for credentials. 
Title: Re: Data Source issue
Post by: cognosuser101 on 18 Dec 2013 09:49:37 AM

So i have done some additional searching and found this link

basically it says to delete the data source and run a "repair" on Cognos Controller Configuration

problem is my application server does not have Cognos Controller Configuration on it, would it suffice to just try to make a new data source that is exactly like the old one and try?

is there a way to backup this data source in case this makes things worse?
Title: Re: Data Source issue
Post by: MFGF on 18 Dec 2013 10:56:34 AM
Are you by any chance using Cognos 10.2.1? If so, you've probably hit this issue:,21917.msg67371.html#msg67371


Title: Re: Data Source issue
Post by: sunosoft on 18 Dec 2013 05:59:46 PM
Consider my comments only if, MF's post is not applicable for you.

The link which you refering I think it will be for those environments in which cognos controller is installed.

Yeah, you can try recreating the same data source.

In terms of backup of data source there is not much standard process for its backup. You can just rename it. Or you can just note the infomration what you entered while creating the data source. Information like connection string,username,password etc.
Title: Re: Data Source issue
Post by: sunosoft on 19 Dec 2013 01:10:04 AM
While creating the data source once you go to JDBC tab, make sure you are not keeping any default value as it is. You need to change any default value according to your DB settings. I think for DB2 data source value for port number will be there by default. You might need to chane that according to your DB settings.
Title: Re: Data Source issue
Post by: cognosuser101 on 19 Dec 2013 10:30:01 AM
Thanks for the replies

I recreated the data source and realized that not all the dispatchers had the data source on their respective machines, and that was what caused the issue.

Thanks again for the help