I should have full administrative rights to do anything and everything related to Cognos. However, when I go to Administration, Security, Capabilities, I am only able to set permissions on some of the listed capabilities. On 8 Capabilities, when I click Set Properties..., I can only see a General tab--there is no Permissions tab even visible. Most notably, I can't set permissions on the Administration and Executive Dashboard Capabilities. On the others, the permissions tab is there and I can change permissions as I want to. Any ideas why I can't see the permissions on certain capabilities?
If you are having directory administrator access then you should be able to modify the permissions for each and every capability
Yeah, that's what doesn't make sense to me. I have Directory Administrator rights, but only see permissions on certain capabilities.
I'm thinking that maybe this is because we only have one license for Administration. Therefore, you can't access the permissions because whoever is using it currently is already using all the permissions available. Ideally, it would work to have multiple people with permissions, even though only one could access it at any given time. However, I don't think it works like that.
I am not sure, but i think this should not depend on the count of licence. Can you check from the audit report if somebody has modified the permissions for that partilcuar capability before you ?
Sorry this is not a exact way for the solution but if I had been in your place I would have just tried this thing if anybody has played with the permission of those capabilities.
Is there any confusion here between the Directory Administrator and the System Administrators roles? As far as I know only the System Administrator role is going to let you do "anything and everything related to Cognos".
Licensing is not really enforced in the interface. There is no "service" that keeps track of whether a particular role is being used. It is up to you to stay within your license agreement, and if you are ever audited it can get pretty expensive if you go beyond it.