can anybody advise on which among the following clients/user interface is Faster on TM1 10.2?
Cognos TM1 Web
Cognos TM1 Contributor
Cognos Analysis for Microsoft Excel 10.2
We have 5 applications in cognos planning 10.1.1, 4 of the applications are light-weight and 1 heavy application. Our hierarchy list is quite huge with 7000+ e-list items.
opening the e-list item has to be FASTER. We are planning to move to TM1 10.2, so kindly advise on the ideal user interface for TM1 10.1 in relation to speed.
I assume you already made your decision on what data interface tool to use but this may be helpful for other people.
Both Web and Contributor are quick, but I think the the question you should be asking is what type of control do you need over allowing your users to contribute to a plan? TM1Web is wide open, you create cube views, and assign security within dimensions so users can only see data they are responsible for. Multiple users can have access to the same data and could in theory be contributing to the same data set at the same time. TM1 application (previously TM1 Contributor) is very similar to Cognos Planning contributor and provides you with the same managed workflow that your users are most likely already used to.
As far as securing multiple input nodes such as 7000 my opinion is that TM1 Application is easier than TM1 Web as you can leverage the drag and drop interface to setup security on your applications. Also with TM1 application being a more mature product now than the first few releases I don't see problems with having "to many" contribution nodes or "to many" levels like you would experience in Cognos Planning. Regarding speed, TM1 Web will most likely be quicker for your users to view data as they only look at one view at a time and don't have all of the different cube view tabs running across the top like contributor. If the views you have built into TM1 application are large and there are many of them the node can take a little bit of time to initially open, but still much quicker than what you would be experiencing in Cognos Planning.
The decision on what input interface to use doesn't need to be made immediately at the beginning of a project. When you are designing and prototyping your model test the various data input interfaces out see which one fits best.
Just to add...
We have 200 budget managers and we are using TM1 application because they need simpler interface to input their department budgets. For power 10~ FP&A users, TM1 web and Excel add-in work nicely.
Cognos Insight is another client tool to look into...
We used tm1 application for budget input, the users need the simpler interface
We used tm1 web for analysis and financial mangement reporting
We try to use TM1 Perspective, but it needs more configuration, user didn't like that~~