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Planning & Consolidation => COGNOS Planning => Topic started by: cogplan on 11 Dec 2013 09:23:49 AM

Title: COGNOS PLANNING PUBLISh getting Failed
Post by: cogplan on 11 Dec 2013 09:23:49 AM
Hi Techies
     I am facing this issue from two days. Especially where the ELists are huge above 1500 items. the Publish is failing.
Cognos Planning version 10.1.1

     Error is as below :-
Error Number: -2147220587
Line Number: 400
Description: Unable to execute Job Item

Execution failed after 3 attempt(s).

Unable to Bulk Load the data.

Error found in output.

SQL*Loader-704: Internal error: ulconnect: OCIServerAttach

  • [/b]

    Its an urgent task, as the data needs to be published to DWH and reports has to be generated for these modules. I am stuck with this badly

    Please do provide your inputs / suggestions/workarounds for this issue

    Awaiting your reply


Title: Re: SQL*Loader-704 Internal error: ulconnect: COGNOS PLANNING PUBLISh getting Failed
Post by: ericlfg on 11 Dec 2013 09:34:55 AM
Hi Cogplan,

There may be a few issues:

1. Oracle may not be configured to allow the number of connections that the planning publish is attempting to open.  As a test, and depending on your job server configuration, try reducing the concurrent processors.  In the CAC, expand your job server cluster > and right click on each job server and select properties.  Make note of the value set for maximum concurrent jobs, if the value is set to -1, reset it to 1/2 the number of threads available on the machine (Ex: if it's an 8 thread box, cut it down to 4).  This will reduce the number of connections being made to Oracle, but will increase the time it takes for the job to run.  This is a temporary step, but if the publish can run then we know that the number of connections is part of the problem and at least the publish is running.

2. You may want to check with the network team to determine if there are any ports being blocked on routers in between the EP servers and the Oracle server.  When planning creates connections to Oracle, each thread of the job servers creates a connection and the port number is incremented by 1 for each new connection / thread.

3. Have a look at TN:

Hope something here helps...
Title: Re: COGNOS PLANNING PUBLISh getting Failed
Post by: cogplan on 16 Dec 2013 09:41:51 AM
Thanks Eric for the reply . was held up , hence late reply.

I did go through your points reducing the Job Server - concurrent processes  and also did check on the Network Ports being disabled .
No of Con - Processes reduction didn't help.

Its a central DB which has many schemas, hence the number of process connections in Oracle DB side was increased  by another 200  more, this solved our problem and Issue was resolved

Thanks & Regards