I have a Report which shows my Servers in a table and its availability values.
In an other Report I have for each Server outage the start and endtime for the outage.
Sometimes this outages are known because of maintenance purposes, so the user has the posibillity to add a comment, that this outage was OK and not a failure.
Now I want to add an exclaimation mark in the first Report for each Server if there was a comment found in an specified period of time.
Could you please give me some hints how i can make this?
Another aproach is to make a joined query and put this two tables togther, but here its difficult to configure the correct cardinality and Operator
For an example I have in table A
SRV1, 100%
SRV2, 97.9%
SRV3, 100%
and in table B (outages)
SRV2, 2013/12/9 08:49:32, 2013/12/9 09:35:12
SRV2, 2013/12/9 19:05:36, 2013/12/9 19:40:25, OK - patches installed
SRV2, 2013/12/10 02:41:35, 2013/12/10 02:44:11, OK - TEST
In table A, each Server can have 0 or n from table B and
for table B, each outage can have only 1 Servers
Is it possible to only get one outage from Table B with a comment?