Hi Admins,
Please let me know if anybody is using audit extension utility.
let me know if that is really helpful than regular audit.
For Cognos 10, it's pretty much useless for us now as they no longer track server metrics. You have to use another IBM tool to do this now.
So as a generalization the CAE is not worth it for us. That said the new tool is included with 10.2.1 and is a step in the right direction, but it's something else to "setup" rather than being part of Cognos. Also...we are on 10.2.0 which it is not included with.
Many thanks for the information Grim.
NP. BTW, the new tool to gather metrics to a "reporting DB" is Tivoli Directory Integrator (TDI)[Veedub in the house? LOL]. Should be in the list of available downloads for those that have access to 10.2.1 as part of their license/contract.