I am working on some Cognos Audit reports to find out report usage and I found Report search path as REPORTS]/report[@name='Cognos sample Report'].
I need to remove ]/report@name=' from the path so that the column displays as Reports/Cognos sample Report.
I used REPLACE and TRANSLATE functions to remove the special characters but it says "UDA-SQL-0219 The function "replace" is being used for local processing but is not available as a built-in function, or at least one of its parameters is not supported."
Using Cognos 10.2 and Oracle DB.
Please help.
Hi Joseph,
I think you can use Report name instead of Report search path, just add 'Report/' before Report name.
I think this is what you want. 8)
You must create a separate data item, and use [COGIPF_RUNREPORT].[REPORT PATH] instead of [Report search path].
replace(replace(replace(replace(replace([COGIPF_RUNREPORT].[REPORT PATH] ,'folder[@name=''') ,'report[@name='''),'reportView[@name='''),'query[@name='''),''']')
That handles most of the cases; there may be others you might want to add such as for CAMID cases.