Why are some groups of people afraid of using their semi-real names when they register for this website? I've recently observed a set of regitrations coming from the Asia region, where email addresses use the pattern of something.cool@gmail.com. It's almost as someone told them "go register for this free website using this method, so we can take full advatgae of it". I know we have some people, who never contribute, meaning they only ask questions, never provide an answer.
I don't get it. Aren't we all blessed with the wonder of life and shouldn't we make the most out of it, by helping others as much as we can?
You mean it says COGNOiSe Administrator on your birth certificate?
(sorry, slow news day - hope you weren't holding your breath waiting for a response in this thread!)
Honestly, from some of the questions asked I'm not sure some of the audience out there have any answers to provide. I don't mean the general population, and also not to toot my own horn since I learn more here than I provide, I'm talking about those who seem to have about 30 seconds of IT experience and lack the common sense to refer to a manual for a basic question. Of course, this is coming from someone who will run to the PC/Google at home rather than pick up a dictionary. Maybe this all a reflection of the modern get-it-done-faster-cheaper culture.
Damn, and I swore no more diatribes...
Another scary thought about this. Does anyone else feel like offshore consultants who do not have real Cognos experience have inundated the message boards and simply ask questions on how to do anything they can't figure out in about 30 seconds? There have been a ton of questions that are on a very very basic level that have come through lately it seems.
Quote from: mrobby on 21 Apr 2009 06:37:51 PM
Another scary thought about this. Does anyone else feel like offshore consultants who do not have real Cognos experience have inundated the message boards and simply ask questions on how to do anything they can't figure out in about 30 seconds? There have been a ton of questions that are on a very very basic level that have come through lately it seems.
That's exactly it. Happened to IT Toolbox, Cognos forums, and now here. I would be curious as to how many of those are IBM GS employees. Classic overpromise since "Cognos is just software and software is easy to learn."
I use an anonymous name because I make inflammatory comments occasionally (see above) and I don't need it getting back to my employer.