I created a Report View and set it to produce output, via schedule (it was set to run on the 1st day of every month, with a saved set of prompts and to email .xls output to 2 email addresses).
However, the report view kept running every hour, every day. I deleted the Report View and re-created it - no fix and still the same. I've since deleted it altogether, yet it still runs.
For background info, the View is linked to a Report which has the 'disable schedule' option checked.
Any ideas on why this is happening and how to fix it?
How do you know it still runs? You still keep receiving emails? Then there is another view/report that is running and sending those emails. You can check the activities in Cognos administration.
Quote from: cws196 on 05 Dec 2013 04:20:35 AM
However, the report view kept running every hour, every day. I deleted the Report View and re-created it - no fix and still the same. I've since deleted it altogether, yet it still runs.