I currently have 2 separate installations of Cognos server on two separate servers, they both run Cognos 10.1.1, I am unable to find the framework model to make changes to the packages so i have attempted to follow:
everything works up until the end when i get prompted with
"The project was created with a more recent version of IBM Cognos Framework Manager"
So my assumption is that someone before me working on this package made changes to this in Cognos Framework Manager 10.2.1, however I was told that Framework Manager 10.2.1 can not connect to Cognos Server 10.1, so how was it possible that this project went live onto the server?
Is it possible for me to get this model so that i can make changes to it and push it onto my server?
Thanks for the help in Advance.
That seems weird. Is the server maybe running 10.1.1 with a Fix Pck (FP) and your FM does not have the FP installed?
Compare your cmplst.txt files.
Thanks for the response Grim.
I'm not sure how but i was unable to recover the model, because of the version, just decided to rebuild from a halfway point.