Does anyone know how each log tables connected to each other?What are the keys to connect each table? The IBM website says use SessionId but if I use only sessionid I get many duplicates for the runtime measure. Basically, I am trying create a view where I use left outer join to userlogon table from editquery, runreport and such. Group by helps little bit but not quite.
Thank you
You should download and install the audit extension from Cognos/IBM. It includes a package that has already modeled the audit logs for you, and even includes some basic reports.
The problem is that I am not using Cognos to do the analysis. For that reason I need to figure out the data schema.
OK, but it also includes a Framework Manager model where you can see the data schema. You can then use this knowledge with whatever tool you like.
Bear in mind there is no guarantee that the audit data schema will not change in the future. In fact I can vouch for the fact that it has changed, as we use a modified version of the supplied model which we had to update (I think it was from 10.1 -> 10.2).
Quote from: ercankaynakca on 27 Nov 2013 03:02:55 PM
The problem is that I am not using Cognos to do the analysis. For that reason I need to figure out the data schema.
The data is encrypted so as bdbits suggested, it is best to use the FM Model that comes with the audit package.
Thanks everyone for helpful info!