Hi All,
i am very new to Cognos. i have installed IIS 6 and deployed Cognos 8 by creating virtual directory. Portal starts fine but the issue is that it asks for namespace for authentication and later user id and pwd for that name space. please tell me where should i provide these credentials?? when i give user id and password as test, it says "The provided credentials are invalid. Please type your credentials for authentication"
List of things i ve done:
1.Created a namespace in Cognos Configuration->Local Configuration->Security->Authentication->SSO[my namespace]
2.given userlookup->uid=${userID},ou=people,o=Cognos,c=CA
3.Use external identity->true
4.external identity mapping->${environment("USER_PRINCIPAL")} and
5.username->test and password->test in account mappings.
ive created a new namespace in accessmanager under my directory server. ive created a user and checked basic signon giving user name and password.and given access to a database . kindly tell me how to proceed.
Are you using Series 7 security with Cognos 8?