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IBM Cognos 10 Platform => Upgrading to Cognos 10 => Topic started by: nimmyjis on 07 Nov 2013 07:22:53 AM

Title: Issue with Transformer migration from ver 7 to 10.1
Post by: nimmyjis on 07 Nov 2013 07:22:53 AM
Hi All,
I have migrated Transformer models from ver 7 to ver 10.1 by replacing IQDs with FM package as datasource.
I have generated the cubes and published them to the portal.
But when i try to create report by using 3-4 dimensions Im getting time out error in Ver cube.But same report is getting created without any issues with Ver 7.
Anybody can suggest me reason/solution for this issue?
Thanks in adv,
Title: Re: Issue with Transformer migration from ver 7 to 10.1
Post by: Grim on 07 Nov 2013 07:41:56 AM
If you have the native PowerPlay client try opening the cube directly from that and see if you have the same issue. If not then the issue is on the server side.

If it is on the server side, are your cubes stored on the same server that Cognos is running on?
Title: Re: Issue with Transformer migration from ver 7 to 10.1
Post by: nimmyjis on 07 Nov 2013 08:45:00 AM
Hi Grim,
Thanks for your reply.
Cubes are stored on the same server as Cognos is installed
