Hi There,
When to attempting save IBM BI Configuration I got the following the error. BTW ,We've been using IBM Cognos BI 10.1 and free disk space of 662 MB on server.
2 - If I do regenerate Cryptographic Keys then can I solve this issue?
[ ERROR ] CAM-CRP-1093 Unable to read the contents of the keystore 'C:/ibm/cognos/c10/configuration/encryptkeypair\jEncKeystore'. Reason: java.io.EOFException: EOF encountered in middle of object.
Thanks in advance.
Yup, regen your keys. Looks like the file it mentions is corrupted.
Regen keys walk through:
Quote from: Grim on 07 Nov 2013 07:51:51 AM
Yup, regen your keys. Looks like the file it mentions is corrupted.
Regen keys walk through:
Hi Grim,
As I mentioned before Does the insufficient disk space (free disk space of 662 MB) occurred to this issue?
Second question : After applying necessary steps Do I have to define manually all those passwords(AD SSO ,Content Manager connection password) in the IBM Configuration ?
662MB of free space should be enough to save the configuration. Might not be enough to run reports and such.
As for the password, you shouldn't need to re-enter if you follow the steps in the guide and export your config in plain text first.