I haven't heard anything about moving the site to a new server. Is there a reason you think we might have moved?
Hit the site last week and there was a plain html page saying the server was being moved.
I saw the same thing, I think it started Friday 11/1 toward the end of the day. Not sure when it came back as I was not able to check for a few days.
It was a one-line text message saying "we are moving to a new server, don't worry we'll be back in a few days" or something to that effect.
The new server is attachment-proof so you cannot post any attachments to any posts anymore..
I have dropped a line to the Admins - I hope they can take a look and figure out the issue.
Sorry to jump into this thread, just a step aside to say...I think I've recognized a well known moderator on some other forums dealing about AUDI (hard to hide with a muppet avatar). Funny how we have same problems with cognos AND with this damn' locked button on the MMI interface... ;D
I'm pretty sure the muppet also moonlights as the stunt driver whenever Audi cars are featured in a major motion picture.
Quote from: Francois51 on 18 Nov 2013 07:30:10 AM
Sorry to jump into this thread, just a step aside to say...I think I've recognized a well known moderator on some other forums dealing about AUDI (hard to hide with a muppet avatar). Funny how we have same problems with cognos AND with this damn' locked button on the MMI interface... ;D
Yay! You found my "other self" :) I'm on a few of the Audi forums here and there - and I dabble with the software. If you're in the UK drop me a line and we can scan your car (geography allowing).
Quote from: Lynn on 18 Nov 2013 08:09:44 AM
I'm pretty sure the muppet also moonlights as the stunt driver whenever Audi cars are featured in a major motion picture.
Ha! Right! Next time you're in my car I'm practicing my stunt driving techniques! The louder you scream, the faster we go...
Dear sweet deluded muppet: Do you honestly think I'd get into a car with you?
Quote from: Lynn on 18 Nov 2013 12:23:01 PM
Dear sweet deluded muppet: Do you honestly think I'd get into a car with you?
Ummmmmmm... :)
Here's a hypothetical situation. Let's say you decided to fly to Birmingham and needed transport to your final destination in the UK. It's around Christmastime and all the taxis are booked up. Limo services are booked up. The trains are full. Buses are full. It's 50 miles to your final destination and the weather is cold, wet and dreary so you don't want to walk. Who're you going to call? Muppetaxi - that's who. Your friendly muppety stunt driver service.
However unlikely that situation may seem, statistics show that it could happen. Possibly. Just sayin' ;)
Or, rental car ::)
I can drive on the wrong side of the road.
I even know how to drive a manual transmission and have my very own brand-spanking-new International Driver's License with a picture every bit as awful as my US driver's license.
Quote from: Lynn on 19 Nov 2013 12:47:26 PM
Or, rental car ::)
Sorry. All taken. It's Christmastime.
Quote from: Lynn on 19 Nov 2013 12:47:26 PM
I can drive on the wrong side of the road.
You do! ;)
Quote from: Lynn on 19 Nov 2013 12:47:26 PM
I even know how to drive a manual transmission and have my very own brand-spanking-new International Driver's License with a picture every bit as awful as my US driver's license.
Nice! You could practice some stunt driving in the Muppetmobile and be completely legal :)
Ok, you win. Pick me up, but I should warn you my flight lands pretty early in the morning.
Done! Send me your (hypothetical) flight details and I will be there! :)