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IBM Cognos 10 Platform => Cognos 10 BI => Cognos Administration => Topic started by: Grim on 31 Oct 2013 02:22:34 PM

Title: Question :: Admin report(s)..what do you have/use?
Post by: Grim on 31 Oct 2013 02:22:34 PM
So I'm trying to leverage audit for Admin reports (I'm not a report developer by any stretch). Wondering what you guys use and if you have report specs "outside the samples" I could "borrow" that you are able to share?

One report I'm trying to figure out how to get is in regards to Data Source Connections. Can't seem to figure it out. I'd like to list Data Sources by type (DB2, ODBC, powercube..etc), eventually to a drill to what packages and reports use said connection. I'm thinking I'm going to have to go into the CS for this one. -.- /sigh

Another report I'm trying to build is the number of times users access specific Studios. I've found various snips here and there, but nothing solid. Audit DB doesn't exactly spell out the studios either.

The more I dig into this the more I realize the amount that admins are lacking to properly keep track of Cognos itself. Don't get me started with on having to use a completely different tool (IBM Tivoli Directory Integrator (TDI)) to build a reporting DB in order to track Cognos system metrics. I guess it's a move in the right direction but man.  ::)
Title: Re: Question :: Admin report(s)..what do you have/use?
Post by: cognostechie on 31 Oct 2013 04:19:35 PM
Have you tried Cognos extended audit? Not sure if it has exactly what you need but last I used it, it had these kind of
Title: Re: Question :: Admin report(s)..what do you have/use?
Post by: Grim on 01 Nov 2013 07:26:58 AM
Yes I have.

For everyone else's info...
In the "Cognos Audit Extension ( (CAE)" for C10 they removed the system metrics (Status Audit). You now have to use Tivoli Directory Integrator (TDI) to gather the metrics into a DB then report off that DB. Problem is that TDI is only included with 10.2.1, we are running 10.2.0. So that's a no go.

As for the "Content Audit" reports in CAE they are more for the Public folder contents, not the admin items. So that's a bust too.

Basically CAE is useless for us at this time.