I have two columns account number and person number. Both are numbers
example -
Account Number Person Number
7032286 123456
I want to append the columns so that it looks like this --
Data element
Thanks for your help in advance
You can unlock the report and arrange the items in blocks or in a 1-column/2-row table to achieve the display.
Oooh. Just realized this is in the Framework Manager board and you are looking for a modeling solution. I'm not sure how you could manage inserting a CRLF between your elements, but this sort of requirement strikes me more as a reporting requirement than a modeling requirement.
We are treating this as a modeling requirement because of the relationship requirements. Is it possible union the files ?
Yes, it is possible to union if you write a custom SQL but I don't understand why you would want to do it? What's the purpose? They remain seperate and appear in two different lines so how are they related?
AccountNumber as 'ID'
AccountName as 'Name'
from DBname.dbo.table1
PersonNumber as 'ID'
PersonName as 'Name'
from DBname.dbo.table2
The purpose of this process is to create a join/relationship in framework manager between the account file and the alerts file.
The account file contains two separate columns to house the account number and the person number. The alerts file contains a column called the alert key. The alert key can be either the account number or the person number depending on where the alert is triggered. So the idea was to create a data element in the accounts file that appended the account number and the person number and then join the data element to alert key column in the alerts file, allowing the user to create letters and reports regarding alerts regardless from where they were triggered.
Thanks in advance for your help
You can manually override the standard join by any expression you want by selecting the .... button in the relationship GUI, like:
[table1].[account] = [table2].[alert] or [table1].[person] = [table2].[alert]
= a theta join
Excellent ... This worked. Issue resolved