We Have 3 Job Servers. If any process runs in cac (reconcile,deploymnet), we can able to see only the two jobs servers now.
A few things:
1. In the CAC, if you right click on the server that's not processing anything and select 'test' -- what result do you get?
2. If you go into the Monitored Applications folder for all 3 job servers, do you have any entries in the lower pane on the right hand side? (Monitored objects held in this job server)
3. Try 'resetting' the job server -- right click on it in the CAC, select Disable Processing, give it a few seconds until a black box shows up on the job server, and then right click and select Enable.
1. Test Sucessful
2. No More entries that particular job which was missing,others two have som entries.
3.Tried and noticed the no changes.
To confirm, no job you run (reconcile, publish, etc) uses this job server? If you don't know, please test some other jobs. Also, if you go back to the monitored applications folder for the job server, in the right hand pane on the far right under the heading "Job tasks being processed by this job server", are there any entries present?
Have you tried restarting the cognos servers?