Hi, I'm having trouble with a report in Cognos. I've been trying for a few days to figure it out and have tried several different options and can't get it. I can't seem to find the solution on the Cognoise Message board
The easy part: My report has 3 tables, each one uses a different query. The 3 tables have totals that go along with them. They are filtered on one year
The hard part: There is a 4th table which is a summary of those 3 tables. Basically in this table, I want the first column to have the title of each of the other tables, and then the second column to have the aforementioned totals for each table. I can't seem to create the first column of this summary table.
Hopefully someone can help.
-- Vanlang
I'm going to assume by "table" you mean a data container of some type - list, repeater, etc. So you have multiple data containers and you want to add another that summarizes the data from the other data containers.
It is somewhat difficult to give you detailed help without knowing your data model and how the tables are related, and whether it is dimensionally modeled or not. One approach would be to go into the query explorer and create joins or unions between the existing queries, and use this as the basis for a new query for the additional data container. You will either need identically structured result sets for a union, or something you can join the queries on. If you can use joins or unions like this, then add a query calculation to each of the original queries. The expression would be a literal value to use as the "first" column.
Hi bdbits,
Thanks for replying. Sorry, I never know what information I'm supposed to include and what is superfluous.
I did mean a list, and the data is a relational model.
I have tried a join, but the only thing I can join on is the year. A Union sounds like a better option, but I still can't figure out how to display the information in the summary list from the 3 other lists.