Hi everybody,
I'm currently involved in a migration project from Impromptu 7.5 to Cognos 10 and using the Migration Assistant to migrate catalog and IMR reports.
The migratefroms7 command line tools runs with no error and the resulting .xml is successfully used as a source to build a Framework Manager model.
What I'm currently not able to achieve (maybe due to lack of comprehension of the concepts behind) is to reproduce the behavior of Impromptu catalog User Profiles, in particular for what regards Filters.
In the "old" system, users are prompted to select a user class and based on that, filter to several fields ara automatically applied to report queries (i.e. north america user class applies a filter on a specific language code in several dimensions)
The migratefroms7 log states that user classes are migrated correctly:
Exporting catalog user classes .
The number of exported user classes is: 3
What am I supposed to find in the Framework Manager model resulting from the migration? Which is the corresponding concept/method to reproduce the Improptu behavior in Cognos 10?
Thanks & regards.
Hi Giuseppe,
The corresponding functionality in Framework Manager is called Data Security. If you select the desired object (eg a query subject) in the tree on the left, you can go to Actions > Specify Data Security (on the Menubar) to see / amend embedded security filters for the object.
If none exist, you can specify new filters manually - Press the "Add Groups" button and select the relevant user/group/role from your security namespace (eg the North America group, if you have one), then click in the Filter area alongside and choose "Create/Edit Embedded filter". A filter dialog will then appear, and you can build the relevant expression for your filter that ties in to that group (eg [Language] = 'EN')
Thanks for the valuable advice MF!
I'll give it a try; by the way I still have one concern: what if the business users, used to open reports and select at run time the desired user profile (in my specific case North America or Europe), want to preserve this beavihor in the new Cognos 10 environment?
Is there some feature in Cognos 10 that lets you define some filter in Framework Manager and automatically prompts you when running a report even if you have not defined a speficif prompt inside the report itself?
Thanks again!