Hi, i'm relatively new to Cognos and I am having some trouble setting up Framework manager in order to access my Cognos server.
The server is hosted on a remote machine, and when i try to get Cognos Framework set up on my machine I am always prompted with "The cryptographic information cannot be encrypted. Do you want to save the configuration in plain text?" to which i respond No.
I have mirrored the Cognos Configuration Environment variables on my server but no success. I have also ensured that java has been installed and is working, and attempted copying the cert, encryptkeypair and signkeypair folder used for the Cognos Server onto the machine with framework installed, however I am still prompted with the same error.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
In Cognos Configuration for your FM machine you have to point it to the same GW and Dispatcher that your cognos is running.
Gateway Settings |
Gateway URI | ;D | http://<yourserver>:80/IBMCognos/cgi-bin/cognos.cgi |
Other URI Settings |
Dispatcher URI for external applications | ;D | http://<yourserver>:9300/p2pd/servlet/dispatch |
Used a smiley in the place of the "Changed default setting" icon. ;)
But that should be it. If you still can't get the keys then there is a communication issue. Does the FM machine have a firewall on? Can you hit the dispatcher directly from the FM machine?
I tried to setup the Cognos Configuration to point to the same GW and Dispatcher for the cognos server but it still gives me the same error. I checked the firewall and that does not seem to be the issue. I also ensured that the two machines can communicate with each other.
How do you check if you can hit the dispatcher directly from the FM machine?
Quote from: cognosuser101 on 22 Oct 2013 10:09:46 AM
Hi, i'm relatively new to Cognos and I am having some trouble setting up Framework manager in order to access my Cognos server.
The server is hosted on a remote machine, and when i try to get Cognos Framework set up on my machine I am always prompted with "The cryptographic information cannot be encrypted. Do you want to save the configuration in plain text?" to which i respond No.
I have mirrored the Cognos Configuration Environment variables on my server but no success. I have also ensured that java has been installed and is working, and attempted copying the cert, encryptkeypair and signkeypair folder used for the Cognos Server onto the machine with framework installed, however I am still prompted with the same error.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Just to make sure - there are *three* folders you need to copy if you are moving the keys across manually:
You mentioned the latter two but not csk...
Just a thought...
If Win7, make sure you run everything as Administrator (right-click, Run As Administrator on the menu link) -- this is for issetup.exe on install, on Cognos Configuration and on Framework Manager.
Why are you copying the keys? You should not be doing that. Keys get generated on configuration save (don't know if it's a copy or regen but it does not matter).
Erase those folders from your machine, re-enter all your passwords if they are missing, then try saving again.
I have re-installed the Framework all over again, on a seperate machine, and have put in the appropriate gateway and dispatcher URLs of the actual Cognos server, I have also found out all the passwords that were set in the actual Cognos server, by exporting and viewing the XML file, and have changed my configuration on the Framework machine to match those settings. however the save still does not seem to work...
It still gets stuck at "Generating cryptographic information"
with the following details
[ ERROR ] CAM-CRP-1132 An error occurred while attempting to request a certificate from the Certificate Authority service. Unable to connect to the Certificate Authority service. Ensure that the Content Manager computer is configured and that the IBM Cognos services on it are currently running. The HTTP result code '404' was returned from the server.
I still have no idea what the issue could be, any other steps i should know about?
If you try to connect a browser session to the Cognos 10 server via the gateway URL, can you connect successfully? I'm betting the virtual directories haven't been properly set up in yout web server...
I am always prompted with "The cryptographic information cannot be encrypted. Do you want to save the configuration in plain text?" to which i respond No.
Is it a problem to you to answer "Yes" instead of "No" i remember having this Warning (no error) prompt and just aswer yes because FM could not create the cripto info but it could connect without problem
I tried installing cognos framework 10.1.1 which is the the same version as the server, this one worked fine. So i don't think that there are any issues with the gateway or dispatcher, also the Gateway URL loads the cognos web site properly.
However i have reports that were previously made in 10.2.1. These cannot be opened in 10.1.1 Framework,
I'm not sure if there are any compatibility issues that might stop framework 10.2.1 to connect to cognos server 10.1.1.
When i say yes it proceeds everything gets a check mark except the generating cryptographic information which has a yellow exclamation mark. The details say "[Cryptography][ ERROR ] java.lang.NullPointerException" However i have a version of Java installed on my machine. Also i think cognos has its own version of java that it installs on Windows. There is no JAVA_HOME environment variable so that shouldn't be the problem.
Any other ideas?
Quote from: cognosuser101 on 30 Oct 2013 10:57:06 AM
I tried installing cognos framework 10.1.1 which is the the same version as the server, this one worked fine. So i don't think that there are any issues with the gateway or dispatcher, also the Gateway URL loads the cognos web site properly.
However i have reports that were previously made in 10.2.1. These cannot be opened in 10.1.1 Framework,
I'm not sure if there are any compatibility issues that might stop framework 10.2.1 to connect to cognos server 10.1.1.
When i say yes it proceeds everything gets a check mark except the generating cryptographic information which has a yellow exclamation mark. The details say "[Cryptography][ ERROR ] java.lang.NullPointerException" However i have a version of Java installed on my machine. Also i think cognos has its own version of java that it installs on Windows. There is no JAVA_HOME environment variable so that shouldn't be the problem.
Any other ideas?
Aha! Are you saying that the version of Cognos on your server is 10.1.1 and you are unable to get Framework Manager 10.2.1 to interface with it? If that's what you're hoping to do, you're not going to succeed. You MUST have the same version of Framework Manager as the installed version of Cognos BI server. You have installed 10.1.1 FM and it works? That's great! You are not going to be able to open any work you saved in FM 10.2.1 in your FM 10.1.1 instance, though. You will either need to redo this work, or upgrade both your server and FM to 10.2.1
Thanks for the help, I will try upgrading the server and loading the report, does anyone know if there is a way to convert the project from 10.2.1 to 10.1.1?
Downgrade...no. :-\