I have installed Tivoli Common Reporting, Cognos Framework Manager 10.2, WebSphere Application Server 8.5 for Jazz Service management in Windows server 2008 R2.
Cognos report and Framework work properly but when I log off the application server stops. Some ideas? Thanks in advance. Sergio
Was the install done as an administrator?
Hi Grim.I installed as administrator.I found that I have 2 websphere profiles: APPSRV01 and JAZZSMPROFILE. In windows services I have only one service "IBMWAS85Service - MyServer01" with the path "C:\Program Files (x86)\IBM\WebSphere\AppServer\bin\wasservice.exe".Probably it refers to APPSRV01 ( "C:\Program Files (x86)\IBM\WebSphere\AppServer\profiles\AppSrv01\bin" ).COGNOS 10-COMMON REPORTING are up if I start WEBSPHERE with JAZZSMPROFILE.Sergio
I found that in the WEBSPHERE CONSOLE of AppSrv01 there isn't COGNOS APPLICATION. So I think that I should install it to use automatic service of Application Server of AppSrv01 profile. So probably I can forget JAZZSM profile. Sergio :)
I was just throwing that out there as a guess. I'm not familiar with the products you are working with. Not sure how they embedded Cognos either. It could use Websphere (As Cognos does support it), but they may just be using the default Tomcat that comes with Cognos. Hard to say without actually having a look at the products and the Cognos install that comes with them.
Best bet might be to actually call IBM support as they would have most likely seen this type of issue before.
Good luck.
Hi Grim! I solved my problem. I found this link
So I made WebSphere of JAZZSM profile running as windows service. Now I have 2 windows services of 2 different profiles. Windows service of JAZZSM will be 'automatic'.
I logged on again and the application service is up.
Have you a nice work! Bye.
Quote from: SERGIO_ITALIA on 22 Oct 2013 10:19:50 AM
Hi Grim! I solved my problem. I found this link
So I made WebSphere of JAZZSM profile running as windows service. Now I have 2 windows services of 2 different profiles. Windows service of JAZZSM will be 'automatic'.
I logged on again and the application service is up.
Have you a nice work! Bye.
Awesome, good to hear. If you could take a second and edit your original post and add (SOLVED) to the title that would be great!