Never have done this in would I set this up either in Report Studio (data element ?) or Framework for a check digit?
Here is the code -- any help is appreciated
--create function dbo.cpuCheckdigit (@dataIn as nchar(31)) RETURNS nchar(1)
declare @dataIn nchar(31)
DECLARE @checkdigit nchar(2)
DECLARE @total int, @pos int, @val int
SET @total = 0
SET @pos = 1
--SET @dataIn = '6430154002000012700643015400204' /* check digit = 6 */
--SET @dataIn = '6430154002000016800643015400204' /* check digit = 0 */
set @dataIn = '6430154002000016800643015400204'
WHILE @pos <= LEN(@dataIn)
SET @val = CAST(SUBSTRING(@dataIn,@pos,1) AS INT) * CAST(SUBSTRING('12',@pos%2+1,1) AS INT)
IF @val > 9
SET @val = 1 + (@val%10)
SET @total = @total + @val
SET @pos = @pos + 1
SET @checkdigit = CAST(10-(@total%10) AS nchar(2))
if @checkdigit = 10
set @checkdigit = CAST ((@checkdigit%10) as nchar(1))
set @checkdigit = CAST ((@checkdigit) as nchar (1))
print @checkdigit
--RETURN @checkdigit
You can import database functions in framework manager with the proper rights. So, it would be a matter of defining the function database side, importing within FM and using it within a data-item. You would need owner rights to use the function
Thanks ... The client is going to build the function in the database upgrade my rights in FM and I will import.